Wednesday, October 28, 2009

DOUBLE PAY query please read?

isnt it illegal not to be paid on a bank holiday? i have worked today, a bank holiday monday and my rate is normal. leave comments please. i am slightly annoyed at this!

DOUBLE PAY query please read?car financing

The employer determines the holidays and the pay for the holidays. Some employers pay double on certain holidays and time and a half on others, only if you worked on these days.

One thing is for certain, the employer must pay everybody the same across the board. He can%26#039;t pay you straight time and someone else time and a half on the holiday.

DOUBLE PAY query please read?


Your employer sets the holidays for his company. It has nothing to do with bank holidays. Banks tend to have more of them than most employers.

What was in your contract when you began work for your employer?|||You need to be paid for the hours that you worked if you are an hourly employee. However, the company has no obligation to pay holiday pay at all, or to pay you both your regular rate and the holiday pay rate, unless they have a policy that specifies holiday pay.

In other words, there is no Federal %26quot;holiday pay%26quot; law (am assuming you%26#039;re a US employee here.)

Sorry.... :(|||Not really. You can be required to work Christmas with no overtime pay or anything. As long as they are paying you over minimum wage there is nothing you can do.|||This depends on where you work, their policies and whether you are in a union or not. Banks and government offices take many more holidays that some other employers, and the employees of other, regular employers do not get paid special wages. In retail, you work all the holidays, usually at regular pay.

Rather than have unvoiced expectations that you get angry about, why don%26#039;t you check your employee handbook or ask your employer about what holidays are paid for you.|||If you%26#039;re not working on a federally recognized holiday it%26#039;s pretty much a decision on the bank to pay you that rate. Only holiday%26#039;s recognized and observed by the government and states get you the pay your looking for.|||Check the terms of your contract, you%26#039;ll probably find that you don%26#039;t get double for bank holidays and this is perfectly legal if you have signed a contract.

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